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Prelude to Ascension is now available in audiobook format. We started the production process back in September 2018, and like virtually everything else related to writing and publishing books, it was a bigger job than expected - but fun.

I'm very pleased with the way the audiobook turned out. It was narrated by Samuel Peery. We entertained many auditioners - virtually all of them good - before settling on Sam. Now that the book is out there, I'm more convinced than ever that we made the right choice. He was great to work with and delivered a quality product.

I've always been a reader. I love printed books, including eBooks, but in recent years I've become a fan of audio. Among its many benefits, the primary one for me is that I tend to get eye fatigue when reading printed materials these days - especially for extended periods. Obviously, that's a non-issue with audio. My hope is that being available in audio format will make the book a little more accessible to people like me who aren't always up to reading a 560-page novel through a set of progressive lenses.

The audio version is available via the following channels:
Many thanks to everyone who has reached out to share feedback and appreciation for the book. My hope is that anyone who gives the book a try enjoys it. That was, and still is my simple reason for writing.

Very best,


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